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Enemy of the State – Gefeminiseerd

Trotse moeder van de wereldberoemde Amnesia Strain

Enemy of the State is een old-school Indica boordevol ongelooflijk rijke smaken. Deze beroemde Indica-genetica is afkomstig uit Afghanistan en is te vinden in veel kruisingen van Super Strain. In feite is ze een van de basisplanten voor de legendarische Amnesia-soort. Haar superieure Indica-genen hebben haar tot een uitstekende keuze voor kwekers gemaakt en ze voegt een aanzienlijk CBD-gehalte toe aan elke melange. Met snelle bloeitijden, hoge weerstand tegen ongedierte en royale opbrengsten – deze soort is een must voor iedereen die een betrouwbare indica-soort wil kweken. Haar toppen produceren een zware, kamervullende rook en ruiken kenmerkend kruidig met een scherpe ondertoon. De rook smaakt muskusachtig met hints van fruitigheid aan het einde van de trek. Deze soort biedt een geweldige kans om wat cannabisgeschiedenis te proeven – met resultaten waarvan je meer wilt. De bloeitijd van deze soort vindt plaats over een periode van slechts 50-55 dagen.







Enemy of the State provide a heavy and relaxing indica high. 

Enemy Of The State has an impressive history and originates from Afghanistan. The strain has played a foundational and fundamental role in the creation of Super Strain’s legendary Amnesia strain. Enemy of The State in its own right is a very powerful Indica strain with some extremely high THC levels and a large resin yield. These great attributes make it a perfect choice for making extracts. When you consider her bountiful yields in combination with her fast growing times – it is easy to see why her genetic profile and productivity are world famous. Enemy of the State has a flowering time of roughly 8 weeks for optimal yields and is ideal for all types of cultivators as it is easy to grow and has features that will be found favorable by everyone.

Enemy of the State / FLAVOR

Enemy Of The State contains some delightful flavors that are experienced as the smoke makes contact with your taste buds upon inhalation. She produces a dense smoke and provides consumers with sweet flavors and some musky undertones in the aftertaste. She offers a relaxing effect, pleasing even to the most experienced of smokers, as it can alter both physical and mental states. These properties make the strain a must-try and she is best smoked and appreciated during a relaxing evening or on a well deserved day off.

Enemy of the State / EFFECT

This dense smoke will induce a strong stoned effect without turning you into a zombie. Upon inhalation she comes with a light headed, buzzy feel and she is perfect for those days of relaxed leisure, sitting in the park with friends enjoying the sun. Enemy Of The State is a strong Indica strain of cannabis that sinks the body into a state of calm when smoked. Indica traits are highly detectable, the smoke is very relaxing yet also has an arousing element to it. It will send mellow vibrations throughout your body, easing the tension from your daily routine and it initiates feelings of happiness. Known to also create a surge in appetite.

Enemy of the State / INDOOR

Enemy of The State by Super Strains is a potent Indica strain that develops compact plants which will reach the modest height of 120-150 cm, displaying the broad and bushy traits of an Indica plant. Indoors, this plant requires a long vegetation period, as it grows at quite a slow pace. With just 9 plants per square meter you can fill out your grow area thanks to its dense foliage and thick branches. It takes just 50-55 days to flower, making back some of that time spent vegging, giving yields of up to 500 gram per square meter. Her high natural resistance makes Enemy of the State the perfect option for growers with little experience, as it will deal with a lot of novice mistakes without losing quality or yield.

Enemy of the State / OUTDOOR

Enemy of the State by Super Strains is very suitable for outdoor and greenhouse cultivation. Enemy of the State, when grown outdoors can grow quite tall for an Indica. Plant heights often reach 1.5-1.8m when grown outdoors and yields are often larger than their indoor counterparts. You can expect a very generous yield of >600g/m2 for your time and efforts. Harvest time for outdoor plants usually occurs at the end of September. Be sure to plant this baby as soon as she takes her time while growing.

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Super Strains

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